Published on December 13, 2005 By peterd In DesktopX


I'm looking for a widget or object called siteping that apparently pings an ip address and displays the response time. Apparently it comes with desktopx, but i can't find it in my installation.

Anyone have a link or copy?


on Dec 13, 2005
Hmm. I don't know the exact widget you're thinking of. But if that's all you need it to do, you can make it easily.

Create a text file named myping.cmd:


@color 07

@netstat -n




Create a New DesktopX object. Change the Object Type to Shortcut from the General panel. Set the target as a myping.cmd --you can change the ping target in the text file.
on Dec 14, 2005
Thanx for the reply, but that's not what i was looking for

There WAS an widget/object that would ping an address and return the response time to the ping, in a graphical format. There are reviews of desktopx on the internet that even mention this object, but i can't find it. It's even mentioned in the online documentation

on Dec 14, 2005
i remember something like that, just can't find it.
on Dec 15, 2005
Not got DesktopX to hand, but the following script should do this for a text object:

Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
Object.SetTimer 1,10000 ' Ping every 10 seconds
End Sub

Sub Object_OnTimer1
Object.Text = "Ping is: " & System.Ping("") ' Change URL as appropriate
End Sub
on Dec 26, 2005
Thanks, i'll give it a try
on Jan 10, 2006
If you still are looking for a litle pinger that shows Reply time in msec, here is an Object Dock docklet:


Requires SysStats, which can be downloaded from the same site

You have to change the IP address in the script-- the default doesn't appear to work...