I've just installed IE8, and am having an issue with Windowblinds. If I open a picture in a tab and then i right-click the picture to save it, the file save dialog box is sometimes corrupted. See here

Sometimes it comes out properly like this:

If i unload Windowblinds, or select the microsoft default Windows Aero skin, it will always work fine.
Please help!!!
My computer information:
Your computer has a Windows Experience Index base score of 4.7
Your Windows Graphics Experience score is 4.7
WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 6.4 (build 123 x86 - Vista Edition)
WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
(Generic PnP Monitor) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT
(Generic PnP Monitor) 2 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT
Wblind.dll 2009/02/11 06:37:20
Wbsrv.dll 2009/02/11 09:27:44
Wbconfig.exe 2009/02/11 09:28:20
Wbload.exe 2009/02/11 09:28:14
Wbhelp.dll 2009/02/11 09:28:07
Tray.dll 2009/02/11 09:28:21
Wbload.dll 2008/12/15 15:07:26
Screen.exe 2009/02/11 09:28:09